1. Sustainability | Maandag® for tomorrow

Sustainability and Maandag® Sweden

At Maandag®, we think it's important that people feel like working and keep working. That is why we are not just about Maandag ®, but also about tomorrow.

To ensure that people go to work every day with fresh energy, we pay great attention to the development of our people. We make every effort to ensure that everyone feels welcome. At our office and with our clients. And we contribute to the world of tomorrow. We don't do that just because our color is green; at Maandag® we want to drive change as a company. So we are working towards 60% CO2 reduction in 2027 compared to 2019. We're not there yet, but we're all working very hard on that. Every day.

Here's what we're all doing to become more sustainable:

We invest in people

At Maandag®, we make sure everyone goes to work with fresh energy. Through the core of what we do - ensuring fair work and economic growth - we are already contributing to a better future. But we also have our own Maandag® Academy with some 1,400 online development opportunities. And we conduct employee surveys twice a year to match expectations, needs and engagement with our offerings. We also consciously invest extra in training in Healthcare and Education. Because that is where the acute staff shortage is.

We are a welcoming organization

We believe in the power of diversity. We want to be an inclusive and accessible employer where everyone is valued and encouraged to participate. That's why when you join us, you sign our code of conduct (the Maandag® Way), with our shared standards and values. We have an anti-discrimination policy and we continuously research diversity, inclusiveness and equal opportunities.

We have a firm green ambition

Since 2019, we have been mapping our CO2 emissions. By 2025, we want to have reduced our CO2 emissions by 50%. In addition, we are investigating how we can offset our remaining CO2 emissions.

We are driving more and more electric

When we lease new cars, they will be electric. Half by the end of 2023, and from April 2025 the entire fleet will be electric.

We burden the environment as little as possible

We are ISO 14001 certified. We use sustainable guidelines for everything we use and for (business) gifts. We also work on waste separation and buy sustainably where we can.

We're making our offices greener

For our office furnishings, we already use partially recycled materials for carpet and chairs, for example. In addition, the search criteria for selecting new premises have been tightened with sustainability criteria.

We are locally involved

Maandag® encourages social and local involvement. Each branch has a sponsorship budget to support local charities. Each year, employees can choose to donate their year-end gift to a charity.

We stay on top of it

It doesn't stop at sustainable plans or promises. Together with the people of Maandag®, our director of sustainability ensures that something is constantly happening. So that the green color of Maandag® will mean even more tomorrow.